Kylie’s blog – hoping this works!

Well I tried this once before but could not get it to work. I’m no blog expert! So we are trying again. Kylie has started to feel the side effects of the chemo yesterday and started vomiting and a bit of diarrhea too. So we started the meds they gave us for the vomiting. By bedtime she had not been sick for several hours so we gave her some water, it stayed down. We had a good sleep and she woke up looking much better today! Then I overdid it with the water and she threw that up. 🙁 We are hoping we can rebound from this and still have an encouraging day!

Author: Chrisandkev

We were blessed to love Kylie for an extra 10 bonus months after her amputation and chemo for osteosarcoma, until another tumour grew in her abdomen that was not operable and we had to say to our beautiful girl July 17/17 after 10yrs of unconditional love. <3 She lives on in our hearts always

4 thoughts on “Kylie’s blog – hoping this works!”

  1. Hoping your Kylie is feeling better. I’m very new to this site, but I believe you did your blog correctly. I just started one myself today. My boy, Gerry, is going to get his sutures out and go for a consultation for chemo next Wednesday, 10/3. Have I ever felt more unintelligent? Nope. I called my blog “and so it begins again”.

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